27 Ağustos 2010 Cuma

Configure a low-cost, 9V battery-voltage monitor

Configure a low-cost, 9V battery-voltage monitor
Paul C Florian, McKinney
Monday 24 November 2008 08:00
Paul C Florian, McKinney, TX; Edited by Martin Rowe and Fran Granville -- EDN, 11/27/2008

You can configure an inexpensive, 9V battery-voltage monitor.

This Design Idea describes a 9V battery-voltage monitor whose total parts cost less than 34 cents (Figure 1). You configure transistor Q1 as a 10-mA current sink. LED1, a Kingbright WP7104IT, is on when the battery voltage is good. When the battery voltage nears the threshold voltage, the LED gradually dims.

It goes out once it reaches the threshold voltage. The threshold voltage for this design is 7.2V, which the values of D3, LED1, and R1 determine. If your application requires a different threshold voltage, you can change these three components’ values. You can reduce the PCB (printed-circuit-board) space this circuit requires by using equivalent surface-mount components.
Read full history - Configure a low-cost, 9V battery-voltage monitor

Flashing-LED Battery-status Indicator

Flashing-LED Battery-status Indicator

Signals when an on-circuit battery is exhausted 5V to 12V operating voltage


A Battery-status Indicator circuit can be useful, mainly to monitor portable Test-gear instruments and similar devices.
LED D1 flashes to attire the user's attention, signaling that the circuit is running, so it will not be left on by mistake. The circuit generates about two LED flashes per second, but the mean current drawing will be about 200µA.
Transistors Q1 and Q2 are wired as an uncommon complementary astable multivibrator: both are off 99% of the time, saturating only when the LED illuminates, thus contributing to keep very low current consumption.

The circuit will work with battery supply voltages in the 5 - 12V range and the LED flashing can be stopped at the desired battery voltage (comprised in the 4.8 - 9V value) by adjusting Trimmer R4. This range can be modified by changing R3 and/or R4 value slightly.
When the battery voltage approaches the exhausting value, the LED flashing frequency will fall suddenly to alert the user. Obviously, when the battery voltage has fallen below this value, the LED will remain permanently off.
To keep stable the exhausting voltage value, diode D1 was added to compensate Q1 Base-Emitter junction changes in temperature. The use of a Schottky-barrier device (e.g. BAT46, 1N5819 and the like) for D1 is mandatory: the circuit will not work if a common silicon diode like the 1N4148 is used in its place.

* Mean current drawing of the circuit can be reduced further on by raising R1, R7 and R9 values.


R1,R7__________220R 1/4W Resistors
R2_____________120K 1/4W Resistor
R3_______________5K6 1/4W Resistor
R4_______________5K 1/2W Trimmer Cermet or Carbon
R5______________33K 1/4W Resistor
R6_____________680K 1/4W Resistor
R8_____________100K 1/4W Resistor
R9_____________180R 1/4W Resistor

C1,C2____________4µ7 25V Electrolytic Capacitors

D1____________BAT46 100V 150mA Schottky-barrier Diode
D2______________LED Red 5mm.

Q1____________BC547 45V 100mA NPN Transistor
Q2____________BC557 45V 100mA PNP Transistor

B1_______________5V to 12V Battery supply
Read full history - Flashing-LED Battery-status Indicator


Read full history - Led-battery-monitor-circuit

Low battery indicator circuit

Read full history - Low battery indicator circuit

Microamps monitor dual-supply batteries

Microamps monitor dual-supply batteries

The low-power circuit in Figure 1 monitors two 9V batteries in
a dual-supply configuration and turns on the Battery Low LED
shutdown signals you can use to turn off voltage regulators,
such as Maxim s MAX663/664 positive and negative regulators.
By using low-power voltage references and op amps, the
circuit holds the current drain to approximately 45 mA from each
battery, with the positive drain rising to approximately 1 mA
when the LED turns on.
Each battery voltage undergoes comparison with a Motorola
LM385Z 1.2V reference, using a Maxim 7612 op amp with
hysteresis via a 2-MV resistor (R5 and R11). Cross-coupling via
the 3-MV resistors (R6 and R12) ensures that if either shutdown
signal goes true, both do, and the circuit locks up in the shutdown
state with the Battery Low LED illuminated. C1 and C3
delay the reference voltages so that when the batteries switch
on, the circuit comes up in the proper state. Positive Shutdown
is at the positive rail when true. Negative Shutdown is at the
negative rail when true. The values shown allow you to adjust
the battery-low limits over a range of approximately 3.8 to 8.1V.
For our applications with Eveready EN22 alkaline batteries, we
typically set the limits at 6.5V. This setting uses a good portion
of the battery life, yet allows some reserve for continued operation
after the LED comes on.
The circuit has two convenient features that were unforeseen
before testing. One is that when the batteries switch off,
the LED flashes briefly as the decoupling capacitors discharge.
The flashing indicates that the batteries are not so totally dead
that they cannot light the LED. The other is that the LM385 has
an initial turn-on voltage about 10% higher than the steadystate
1.2V reference. Thus, when you switch the batteries on,
they must have a voltage about 10% higher than the steadystate
threshold to be considered good. So if the Battery Low
LED stays off when the device turns on, the batteries will
remain good for a while. Of course, if you are not using the shutdown
signals to turn off regulators, you can set the threshold
so that your device will continue to operate for a period after the
LED comes on. Using the battery-discharge characteristics and
your circuit s voltage and current requirements, you can select
a threshold that gives appropriate reserve for your application.
(DI #2169)

If either battery voltage in a two-battery supply drops below a preset limit, a Battery Low LED turns on.

To Vote For This Design, Circle No. 348
Read full history - Microamps monitor dual-supply batteries

Shunt regulator monitors battery voltage

Shunt regulator monitors battery voltage

Vladimir Rentyuk, Modul-98 Ltd, Zaporozhye, Ukraine;
Tuesday 16 September 2008 08:20
Vladimir Rentyuk, Modul-98 Ltd, Zaporozhye, Ukraine; Edited by Martin Rowe and Fran Granville -- EDN, 9/18/2008

A shunt regulator and a handful of associated components function as a battery monitor.

A TL431 shunt regulator is a perfect choice for many applications. You can use it as a comparator with hysteresis by taking advantage of its inner voltage reference along with few additional components. You can use this comparator with hysteresis, like a Schmitt trigger, as a simple battery monitor (Figure 1). You calculate the threshold voltage, VT+, of this comparator as VT+VREF×(1+R1/R3), where VREF, the internal reference voltage of shunt-regulator TL431, is 2.5V.

When the battery voltage is higher than the threshold voltage, the cathode voltage of the TL431 is at its low level of approximately 2V, and transistor Q1 turns on, lighting LED1. You calculate the release voltage, VT–, of the trigger as VT–=VREF×(1+R1×R2/(R1+R2) ×1/R3).

When the battery voltage is less than the release voltage, the cathode voltage of the TL431 goes to its high level—to the battery voltage. Transistor Q1 turns off, and LED1 does not shine. LED1 turns on again when the battery voltage, after recharging, exceeds the threshold voltage.
Read full history - Shunt regulator monitors battery voltage

Monitors battery voltage, Three-LED Display

Connecting this circuit to the battery of your vehicle, you will always know at a glance the approximate voltage available. An indication of battery voltage is useful to the motorist for monitoring the battery's capacity to deliver current, and as a check on the efficiency of the dynamo or alternator. Threshold voltages of the Leds are set by means of two Zener Diodes (D6 & D10) plus two further Diodes wired in series (D4, D5 and D8, D9 respectively) adding a step of about 1.3V to the nominal Zener voltage.


* Red LED D1 is on when battery voltage is 11.5V or less. This indicates a low battery charge.
* Amber LED D2 is on when battery voltage is comprised in the 11.5 - 13.5V range. This indicates that the battery is good if the motor is off. When motor is running, this indicates no charge from dynamo or alternator.
* Green LED D7 is on when battery voltage is 13.5V or more. This indicates a normal condition when motor is running and dynamo or alternator is charging.


R1 = 1k
R2 = 100K
R3 = 1k
R4 = 3.3K
R5 = 3.3K
R6 = 1k
R7 = 3.3K
R8 = 3.3K
Q1 = BC547
Q2 = BC547
Q3 = BC557
D1 = Red Led
D2 = Amber Led
D3 = 1N4148
D4 = 1N4148
D5 = 1N4148
D6 = BZX79C10
D7 = Green Led
D8 = 1N4148
D9 = 1N4148
D10 = BZX79C12
Read full history - Monitors battery voltage, Three-LED Display


This circuit is used to monitor the battery voltage, using a bi-color LED to indicate the state of the battery. When the LED is "GREEN" the battery voltage is above 11.9 volts. When the LED is "YELLOW", the battery voltage is between 11.9 and 11.5 volts. When the LED is "RED" the battery voltage is below 11.5 volts. You can of course, modify the trigger points by using the trimmer resistors and/or changing the value of the dropping resistors in the divider.

A dual op amp is used as a voltage comparator. The green LED is on so long as the voltage across the circuit is above 11.5 volts. The red LED comes on when the voltage across the circuit drops to below 11.9 volts. Therefore, in the 11.9 to 11.5 volt range, both LED's are on, producing a some what yellow color. When the voltage drops below 11.5 volts, the green LED turns off and now only the red LED is on, indicating a low voltage condition.

It is recommended that multi-turn trimmer be used for V1 and V2. Muti-turn trimmer will make it much easier to set the trigger points than using a less expensive single turn trimmer. The trimmers could be eliminated entirely, if one had access to an assortment of 1% resistors and carefully calculated the values needed. One would also want to use a more precise voltage reference than the common 78L05 regulator provides.

Battery tester

A very simple battery monitor can be made with a dual-color LED and a few surrounding components. The LED produces orange when the red and green LEDs are illuminated.

  • The following circuit turns on the RED LED below 10.5v
  • The ORANGE LED illuminates between 10.5v and 11.6v.
  • The GREEN LED illuminates above 11.6v
Read full history - Battery tester

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